[Samba] Samba PDC and Win2k... as usual...

Wieder Pierre Pierre.Wieder at skane.se
Tue Mar 26 07:51:04 GMT 2002

I use Linux as a filserver but I also have a windows2k server currently running in standalone mode. The Windowsserver is running as a photoserver holding several thousands of digital images of the clinics patients. I now want the clientcomputers to log on to the Sambaserver and by doing that also be able to get resources shared from the 2000server using only the first sambapassword and because of licensing issues it has to be Linux that authorize the logins. Is it possible to use UNIX-passwords on a Windowsserver?
My first idea was to make one account on the Windows2k server and sharing resources from windows2000 to Linux as one share and then mount this share in, say, a public area in Linux where only certain users have access.
If this is impossible how do You suggest I do this? Is there anyone else out there with a simular dilemma?
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