[Samba] IPv6 & Samba

Carlos Friacas cfriacas at fccn.pt
Sun Mar 24 05:20:03 GMT 2002


I've tried to search any thread on this list about samba development
towards IPv6. Couldn't find anything, so im writing to ask if someone
knows anything about it.

I also cant see nothing about IPv6 at the samba sites. At IPv6 sites i
only can find a "not yet developed" on the Samba item.

Im not really into development (im more of a networking guy) but are there
any plans about making Samba work above an IPv6 "layer"?

Thank You,

                                                          "Networking is fun!"
<cfriacas at fccn.pt>, CMF8-RIPE, Wide Area Network WorkGroup  http://www.fccn.pt
F.C.C.N. - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional  fax: +351 218472167

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