[Samba] Data not being written to smbmounted node

Dennis Bottaro DJB at pringle.com
Tue Jun 18 17:38:02 GMT 2002

Hello all,
I need to backup one WinNT machine through my linux box to another WinNT
Here is my setup
NTa- WinNT 4 sp6a
NTb- WinNT 4 sp4
Tux - Linux 2.2 (RedHat 6.0 w/ updated kernel) running Samba 2.2
When I issue an smbclient \\\\NTa\\Share -Tc /mnt/backup with /mnt/backup
being a successfully mounted share on NTb it creates the file with out
problem.  However, when I run the same command from within a shell script it
does not write anything at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
Dennis Bottaro
Pringle Development, Inc.

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