[Samba] Win98 not doing name resolution.

Tim Bates batestim at iprimus.com.au
Sun Jun 9 20:02:01 GMT 2002

>Would just putting your server into lmhosts on the client fix this?

I don't have an lmhosts on the client, it's worked before without it, and 
it works from a Linux box without it too. But I'll try it.
Now it can be addresses directly without having to go through the step of 
addressing it by IP, but it still doesn't show in Network Neighborhood.

>Have you gone through the DIAGNOSIS.txt guide in docs/textdocs section of
>your source files?

Yes. It all seems to work, bar not showing up in Network Neighborhood. And 
without the lmhosts entry it isn't accessible by name until I've accessed 
it by address, as I described earlier. What puzzles me most is that my 
Linux desktops (including this self same machine when booted in Linux) have 
no problems at all.

                                 Tim Bates

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