[Samba] Error in smbd and nmbd log files

Moss, Patricia pmoss at fcg.com
Wed Jun 5 05:42:37 GMT 2002

I am seeing the following error message in my log.smbd and the log files for
the individual users accessing shares.  Has anyone seen this message before?
Can someone explain what this message means and how to fix it?  Thank you.
[2002/06/04 09:43:05, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(497)
  write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe

I am seeing the following message in my log.nmbd file.
[2002/06/05 08:35:00, 0] nmbd/nmbd_browsesync.c:(358)
  Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name WORKGROUP<1b> for the
workgroup WORKGROUP.
  Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup.

Any assistance, as always, is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
Pati Moss
Unix Systems Administrator
First Consulting Group, Inc.
http://www.fcg.com <http://www.fcg.com/> 
Phone: (610) 989-7105
Fax:     (610) 989-3207
pmoss at fcg.com <mailto:pmoss at fcg.com> 
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