Mario Lasch Mario.Lasch at zmms.tu-berlin.de
Wed Jul 10 07:55:42 GMT 2002

Terry Fung Tak Hei wrote:
> I have compiled samba with msdfs support and add host "msdfs = Yes" in
> [global] & "msdfs root = Yes" in the share & make a link by "ln -s
> msdfs:pc1\\share1 share1" under the dfs share.
> However, while I acces \\samba\dfs\share1 from windows 98, I get the
> Error message: file system error (2106)
> Anyone know what the problem is ??
No soorry, but I have a similiar problem, 
if I set up a share as "msdfs root = yes" win98-clients
can not create new directories on this share. 
Can you verify this for me and let it me know?

Mario Lasch

eMail: Mario.Lasch at zmms.tu-berlin.de

Technische Universität Berlin
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