[Samba] Please Help!

Mathias Homann admin at eregion.de
Thu Aug 1 02:52:02 GMT 2002

> Hello,
> I am using Suse Linux 8.0 and I have Samba running by editing the
> smb.conf file but I can't seem to get SWAT to work. I have made the
> changes to the two files as instructed in the readme but I still get
> nothing. In the readme it says about using make install but I don't know
> what the correct syntax is. Any ideas?

SuSE 8 doesn't start inetd by default. to check enter as root:
rcinetd status

if it says 'OK' you should check /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf for the
right entries for swat.
if it says 'no process' or 'unused' you cd into /etc/init.d and do
'insserv inetd'. the inetd will be started at the next reboot. to start
inetd manually: rcinetd start (as root)

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