[Samba] "/" shows up as home directory for "nobody" - available to any user

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Thu Apr 25 09:06:03 GMT 2002

> Strange thing:
> After being logged on to samba-PDC (2.2.3a, LDAP) I see besides the user's
> home directory a home directory for user "nobody" - containing the root file
> system of my samba server.
> The relevant parts in smb.conf looks like this:
> guest account = pcguest	(if not set it defaults to "nobody" - this should
> turn it off)
> [homes]
> comment = Home Directories
> browseable = no
> writable = yes
> The entry in /etc/passwd for "nobody" is:
> nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin
> There is no entry for "nobody" in the LDAP database, not is there anywhere
> an account for "guest".
> Looks like this entry is the key - the "/" for the home dir.
> Since I really don't want everybody to have read access to everything on my
> hard drive, can anyone point me to how I can fix this?
> I guess, I could change nobody's home dir to something else - but what would
> that break?
> I'd rather find out why samba shares it out to begin with - is there a way
> to turn it off?
  valid users = %S 
  # [homes] erzeugt shares der Art [<username>]
  # Zu jeder share kann jeder user verbinden, auch zu den 
  # Systemaccounts !!
  # obiger Eintrag verhindert das.
To the [homes] section in smb.conf. You may leave out the comment :-)
With this "valid users" only an authenticated nobody can access it's 
home through samba. And with your /etc/passwd there will never be an 
authenticated nobody.


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 \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
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