[Samba] (no subject)

Kendra G Garvin Kendra_G_Garvin at raytheon.com
Mon Apr 22 15:28:02 GMT 2002


I work with NT and develop primarily with ASP/SQL Server and VB.  I plan to
create web files on one of the Samba Servers at a different location.  I
was wondering if you could tell me what development languages I could use
to writeto a file, XML file, or a remote SQL or Access database.  Is use of
the FileSystemObject supported?

Much appreciated,


Kendra G. Garvin
Raytheon Reliability Analysis Laboratory
Lexington Laboratories
131 Spring Street
Lexington, MA 02421
781 860 3398
Kendra_G_Garvin at Raytheon.com

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