Can't see samba server from Win98 machine - full data

Ioan NIKY Pricop pniky at
Fri Oct 12 10:23:46 GMT 2001

Dear sirs,

I have a problem with samba: 2 computers on the smalest
network possible, and the Win98 can't browse the
Linux-Samba shares.

Sorry for insisting, but maybe someone can help me. I've
cut a lot of output from testparm for making it more
readable. PLEASE HELP!!! Using security=server as Daniel
Tan suggested didn't change anything.

I followed the 10 steps diagnosing procedure from John D.
Blair's book "Samba - Integrating UNIX and Windows":

1) testparm gave the following result [this may give an
overview about smb.conf settings]:

Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[tmp]"
Processing section "[c]"
Processing section "[d]"
Processing section "[public]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
# Global parameters
	coding system = 
	client code page = 850
	workgroup = STANDALONE
	netbios name = 
	netbios aliases = 
	netbios scope = 
	server string = Samba Server
- - - - [cut all those lines...] - - - - - - - - -
	fake directory create times = No

	comment = Temporary file space
	path = /tmp
	guest ok = Yes

	path = /mnt/win95
	guest only = Yes
	guest ok = Yes

	path = /mnt/w95ext
	guest only = Yes
	guest ok = Yes

	path = /mnt/w95ext/public
	writeable = Yes
	guest only = Yes
	guest ok = Yes

2) Both computer can 'ping' the otherone either as IP
address or by host name [included in hosts].

3) smbclient -L NKHOME -U '' -N (smbd running and
accesible) gives:

added interface ip= bcast=
Domain=[STANDALONE] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.7]

	Sharename      Type      Comment
	---------      ----      -------
	tmp            Disk      Temporary file space
	c              Disk      
	d              Disk      
	public         Disk      
	IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server)

	Server               Comment
	---------            -------
	NKHOME               Samba Server

	Workgroup            Master
	---------            -------

Also the ps -aux | grep smbd shows the daemon running:

root       642  0.0  0.4  3892 1268 ?        S    19:43  
0:00 smbd -D
root      1285  0.0  0.2  1620  592 pts/1    R    20:04  
0:00 grep smbd

smbclient -L MELINTE -U '' -N (on the other host) correctly
shows the shares on the Win98.

4) nmblookup -B NKHOME __SAMBA__ [nmbd running] returns:

querying __SAMBA__ on __SAMBA__<00>

Also ps -aux | grep nmbd shows the output:

root       647  0.0  0.5  3252 1380 ?        S    19:43  
0:00 nmbd -D
root      1289  0.0  0.2  1620  592 pts/1    R    20:04  
0:00 grep nmbd

5) The client's NetBIOS name can be resolved:

nmblookup -B MELINTE '*'
querying * on *<00>

6) Broadcast address correctly determined:

nmblookup -d 2 '*'
added interface ip= bcast=
querying * on
Got a positive name query response from (
) *<00>

What looks odd here is that the linux [] doesn't
seem to respond (none of the commands issued).

7) User authentication seems to work:

smbclient '\\nkhome\tmp'

added interface ip= bcast=
.Anonymous login successful
Domain=[STANDALONE] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.7]
smb: \>dir
   .                                  D        0  Thu Oct
11 20:18:48 2001
  ..                                  D        0  Thu Oct
11 19:43:02 2001
  .font-unix                         DH        0  Thu Oct
11 19:43:29 2001
  .X0-lock                           HR       11  Thu Oct
11 19:43:34 2001
  .X11-unix                          DH        0  Thu Oct
11 19:43:34 2001
  kde-root                            D        0  Thu Oct
11 19:44:02 2001
  ksocket-root                        D        0  Thu Oct
11 19:44:10 2001
  .ICE-unix                          DH        0  Thu Oct
11 19:44:06 2001
  mcop-root                           D        0  Thu Oct
11 19:44:05 2001

		64731 blocks of size 65536. 39303 blocks available
smb: \>exit

Also it works on the Win98:

smbclient '\\melinte\d'

added interface ip= bcast=
smb: \>dir
   .                                  D        0  Mon Jun
26 21:00:10 2000
  ..                                  D        0  Mon Jun
26 21:00:10 2000
  PROGRAMS                            D        0  Mon Jun
26 21:00:10 2000
  Pentru NIKY                         D        0  Sun Sep
10 12:00:54 2000
  Pentru CIPRIAN                      D        0  Mon Jun
26 21:00:10 2000

		65511 blocks of size 65536. 15998 blocks available
smb: \>exit 

And I also can smbmount the Win98 shares without problems.

8) nmbd does not respond to the PC:

net view \\nkhome [on Win98] ends in:

Error 59: An unexpected network error has occurred. Quit
all running 
programs, restart your computer, and then try again. If the
problem persists, 
contact your network administrator.

meanwhile, tcpdump on the Linux shows:

19:43:30.204148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-dgm > NBT UDP (138)
19:44:30.184148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-dgm > NBT UDP (138)
19:45:30.174148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-dgm > NBT UDP (138)
19:45:49.924148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-ns > UDP PACKET(137): QUERY;
19:45:50.674148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-ns > UDP PACKET(137): QUERY;
19:45:51.424148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-ns > UDP PACKET(137): QUERY;
19:45:52.174148 eth0 B arp who-has nkhome tell melinte
19:45:52.174148 eth0 > arp reply nkhome (0:70:ca:11:1f:3)
is-at 0:70:ca:11:1f:3 (0:40:f6:20:58:d6)
19:45:52.174148 eth0 < melinte.1523 > nkhome.netbios-ssn: S
7878078:7878078(0) win 8192 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
19:45:52.174148 eth0 > nkhome > melinte: icmp: nkhome tcp
port netbios-ssn unreachable (DF) [tos 0xc0]
19:45:55.094148 eth0 < melinte.1523 > nkhome.netbios-ssn: S
7878078:7878078(0) win 8192 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
19:45:55.094148 eth0 > nkhome > melinte: icmp: nkhome tcp
port netbios-ssn unreachable (DF) [tos 0xc0]
19:45:57.174148 eth0 > arp who-has melinte tell nkhome
19:45:57.174148 eth0 < arp reply melinte is-at
0:40:f6:20:58:d6 (0:70:ca:11:1f:3)
19:46:01.094148 eth0 < melinte.1523 > nkhome.netbios-ssn: S
7878078:7878078(0) win 8192 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
19:46:01.094148 eth0 > nkhome > melinte: icmp: nkhome tcp
port netbios-ssn unreachable (DF) [tos 0xc0]
19:46:13.094148 eth0 < melinte.1523 > nkhome.netbios-ssn: S
7878078:7878078(0) win 8192 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF)
19:46:13.094148 eth0 > nkhome > melinte: icmp: nkhome tcp
port netbios-ssn unreachable (DF) [tos 0xc0]
19:46:58.974148 eth0 B melinte.netbios-dgm > NBT UDP (138)

It seems that netbios-ssn does not respond, but:

netstat -a | grep netbios
tcp        0      0 *:netbios-ssn           *:*            
udp        0      0 nkhome:netbios-ns       *:*            
udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns            *:*            
udp        0      0 nkhome:netbios-dgm      *:*            
udp        0      0 *:netbios-dgm           *:*            

shows the service as listening...

Can anyone help me with all this mess?!?


Ioan (John) NIKY Pricop
Bucharest - ROMANIA
pniky at

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