Strange Error.....

Elidier Moya emoya at
Thu Oct 11 11:27:03 GMT 2001


I have a Windows 98 computer network (10 computers) and one computer running
Samba. From Windows I can see the computer that is running Samba BUT when I
press a doble click over it to see shared folders I see the following Error.
Impossible to have acess to //Serv. The server is not configured to
transaction [1] (Serv is the name of the computer running Samba).

 - On  the file smb.conf  - I'm using Security = User
- The user exist on Linux and Samba

In the log file (var/log/samba/log.compu1) I can see the following message
[Date] smbd/service.c:make_connection (501)
Can't change directory to /root/tmp (Permisson denied)

I think it is not a rights problem because I gave full right to everybody
for this folder (Just to test) and the problem continued.

I'm soory because of my poor english. I hope it is good enought to try to
explain my problem

Thank you very much for you time and help

Elidier Moya R
Costa Rica

[1] The text of the message could be a little bit different because I'm
using spanish Windows. So this text is my translation

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