(no subject)

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Sun Nov 25 12:29:03 GMT 2001

> Hello all,
> Here is my situation:
> I have an existing linux box with 100+ users. This box
> run various services. Users do not have shell access.
> I have added samba to this box so users can share
> files and access their files from Windows. Samba
> installation and configuration went smoothly. Now, the
> problem is, I need to create entries in smbpasswd for
> these 100+ users.
> How would I go about creating these smbpasswd entries
> with passwds from /etc/shadow?
If all your users have passwords in /etc/shadow you can run samba 
with plain text encrypted passwords first. Set "update encrypted" in 
smb.conf (read about in in the man page), wait some time. Then change 
to encrypted passwords.
> User input is not an option, meaning I do not want to
> locate these 100+ users and have them type in their
> passwd to smbpasswd.
> Assigning passwords to these 100+ users is not an
> options as well. I would like their smbpasswd and
> shadow passwd to be identical. One network, one
> password is the mantra here.
My opinion :-)

> I do have read about smbpasswd and /etc/passwd
> synchronization and changing passwds from Windows
> boxes. I do not need synchronization of smbpasswd and
> passwd, I just need to build this smbpasswd file once.
> Users will not need to change passwds from their
> Windows boxes.
And if they want to?
> Does a solution to my problem exist? I thought my
> scenario is quite common. I was amazed that there is
> no simple solution.
There can't be a simpel soution because the password encryption is 
just incompatibel.


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