printing examples

David Clarke gadicath at
Mon Nov 19 18:56:06 GMT 2001

	Just a quick little comment on the smbprint example filters
included with the samba docs.  I was having a little bit of trouble
getting network printing working with either of the example filters. I
found that I needed to add a short pause between the "print -" command
and the cat.  So it ended up looking like:

echo "print -"
        sleep 2
) | /usr/bin/smbclient "//$server/$service" $password -U $server -N -P >> $logfile

I don't know why I needed that, but it fixed the problem.  Just
wondering if it's been happening to anyone else.


Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!
David Clarke <gadicath at> | David Clarke <s3353950>
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