samba PDC with NIS, or other solution?

Christian Barth barth at
Thu Nov 8 08:49:29 GMT 2001


> thanks for the response christian. this sounds promising. is 
> there any chance i could see your smb.conf file, or at least 
> the parts that deal with samba pointing to the NIS? 
samba is not pointing to NIS. You install it on the NIS-master like 
on every other system. Your are just able to keep the passworts in 
sync on the NIS-master, because samba is able to change the unix 
password when ever the samba password is changed. And the change of 
the unix passwort is put into nis. (You don't have the old clear text 
password mostley needed to change the nis password directly from 

> ive had a hell of a time finding any
> documentation on it. does /etc/shadow help to get around the plaintext
> password (NIS) vs. encrypted password (samba) problem?
No. You will have to use both at the same time. On systems with 
shadow passworts the passworts are not stored in the world readable 
/etc/passwd but in the root only /etc/shadow, nothing related to 

Attached you find my smb.conf.

> thanks,
> alex
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Alex Lazarevich
> Systems Administrator
> Imaging Technology Group,
> Beckman Institute,
> 405 N. Mathews, Urbana IL  61801  USA
> Ph: (217)244-1565 e-mail: alazarev at
> _________________________________________________
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Christian Barth wrote:
> > > I've found a few things saying that samba PDC with NIS will work. But do 
> > > the samba service and master NIS service need to be on the same machine?
> > Yes it will work. We do the same here. You have to use /etc/shadow 
> > (/etc/passwd) as source for NIS and .../private/smbpasswd for the 
> > PDC. If the NIS master and the PDC are the same machine you can 
> > easely keep accounts (using your custem skripts) and password (using 
> > "unix passwd sync" in smb.conf) in sync. 
> > 
> > With "unix passwd sync" the samba (the smbpasswd comand) changes the 
> > unix password every time the encrypted password is changed. Mostly 
> > yppasswd needs the old passwort to change the password even if 
> > running as root. So you have to use passwd in the passwd chat in 
> > smb.conf and push your NIS maps with cron or with in the chat. For 
> > normal users of the NIS mater you can link the passwd command to the 
> > smbpasswd command, so that they change both of their password at 
> > once. On the NIS clients you should disable passwd, yppasswd and tell 
> > the users to change their password on the master. Or you install a 
> > basic samba there and use smbpasswd (havn't tried the last one).
> > 
> > Christian
> >
> >    @@@@       (_)@(_)   vVVVv     _     @@@@  (___) _(_)_
> >   @@()@@ wWWWw  (_)\    (___)   _(_)_  @@()@@   Y  (_)@(_)
> >    @@@@  (___)     `|/    Y    (_)@(_)  @@@@   \|/   (_)\
> >     /      Y       \|    \|/    /(_)    \|      |/      |
> >  \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
> > jgs|//   \\|///  \\\|//\\\|/// \|///  \\\|//  \\|//  \\\|// 
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > 

               _(_)_                          wWWWw   _
   @@@@       (_)@(_)   vVVVv     _     @@@@  (___) _(_)_
  @@()@@ wWWWw  (_)\    (___)   _(_)_  @@()@@   Y  (_)@(_)
   @@@@  (___)     `|/    Y    (_)@(_)  @@@@   \|/   (_)\
    /      Y       \|    \|/    /(_)    \|      |/      |
 \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
jgs|//   \\|///  \\\|//\\\|/// \|///  \\\|//  \\|//  \\\|// 

-------------- next part --------------
# Allgemeines
   workgroup = FBK42
   server string = FBK Unix file and print server
;   hosts allow = 
   debug level =  0

#  Das Default f?r die Logdatei ist /usr/local/samba/var/log.smb und log.nmb
#  F?r das Debuggen von Problemen ist es aber n?tzlich die diversen Variablen,
#  z. B. %m, %U einzubauen. Aus Sicherheitsgr?nden sollten diese immer
#  hinter log. stehen, nicht davor. Also z.B. log.%m, NIEMALS %m.log !!
#  Da %m vom Clienten frei definierbar ist, ist damit besondere Vorsicht geboten.
#  log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%U
   max log size = 200

   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
   name resolve order = host wins bcast
   time server = True

# Notwendig f?r den Gast-Zugang zum CD-ROM:
#   map to guest = Bad User
# Wenn unbenutzt auskommentieren!

# Browsing und vergleichbares
   local master = yes
   os level = 65
   domain master = yes 
   preferred master = yes
   wins support = yes
   wins proxy = yes
   dns proxy = no 
   remote announce =
# Rechte, Schreibweisen, Locking, ....
   create mask = 0771
   directory mask = 0770
   security mask = 0777
   directory security mask = 0777
   inherit permissions = yes
   # Das ist seit 2.0.7 notwendig, sonst wird das s-Bit nicht sauber vererbt. CB
   short preserve case = No
   # spnn meckert wenn Dateiendungen nach dem Auspacken gro? sind. CB
   veto files = /lost+found/
   locking =  yes
   oplocks = true
   level2 oplocks = true
   blocking locks = true

# Erweiterung zur Handhabung der Dateinamen
   # Allein der "character set" Eintrag reicht aus, damit Umlaute in den Dateinamen
   # unter NT und Linux richtig angezeigt werden. Damit werden aber alle bestehenden
   # Dateinamen falsch angezeigt. Es kann so gar vorkommen, dass die Dateien dann unter
   # NT garnicht mehr angezeigt werden!! CB
   # character set = iso8859-1
   # client code page = 437
   # Das hat zwar GO so, ist aber laut ManPage falsch. CB

# NT Domain ...
   domain logons = yes
   logon path = \\fbk\profiles
   logon drive = h:
   logon script = startnet.bat

### Tests wg. Geschwindigkeit
  write cache size = 262144
  read size = 65536
  read prediction = true
  # letzteres hat angeblich keinen Einfluss mehr

# Damit das unix password sync funktioniert mu?te f?r 1.9.18p10 die Datei
# source/chagpasswd.c vor dem compalieren editiert werden!
# Dies ist bei Neucompalierungen (anderer Versionen zu beachten!)
# F?r 2.0.0beta1 war das nicht mehr n?tig
# Allerdings ist RedHAT wg. PAM empfindlich was den Passwortwechsel betrifft:
# Anzahl der Buchstaben die gleichbleiben, ... zur?ckwechseln auf das alte, ..
# Vieleicht ist das auch ein "Time-Out"-Problem. bei 2.0.0beta2 hat es evtl.
# etwas genutzt den entsprechenden Wert in source/smbd/chagpasswd.c von 4 auf
# 6 oder 8 sec zu erh?hen. (?)
# Scheint immer noch aufzutreten. Deshalb beim Compalieren von samba-2.0.6 und 2.0.7 wiederum
# chagpasswd.c editiert um das Timeout drastisch zu erh?hen. (Zeilen 213 und 224)
# CB, 7.12.99

 unix password sync = True
# debug level = 100
# passwd chat debug = true
 passwd chat =  *New*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *updated\ssuccessfully*
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd.unix %u

# # passwd was renamed to passwd.unix and /usr/bin/passwd is a link to /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd
# # Just for the useres to keep it simple.

# # I use a cron job that dose a "cd /var/yp; make" every 15 minutes to push the NIS maps
# # and changed passwords.
# # I have seen "passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd.unix %u ; cd /var/yp; make" aswell


#============================ Share Definitions ==============================

  path = /var/spool/samba
  printing = bsd
#  lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p
  lpq command = /bin/echo
  lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
#  print command = /usr/bin/lpr -r -s -P%p %s
  print command = /usr/local/samba/bin/print %p %s %m
  printable = true

  comment = Home Directories
  valid users = %S
  # [homes] erzeugt shares der Art [<username>]
  # Zu jeder share kann jeder user verbinden, auch zu den Systemaccounts !!
  # obiger Eintrag verhindert das
  invalid users = root
  browsable = no
  writable = yes
  map hidden = yes
  map system = yes

  comment = 1. Benutzerplatte
  path = /u1
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map hidden = yes
  map system = yes

  comment = 2. Benutzerplatte
  path = /u2
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map hidden = yes
  map system = yes

  comment = FBK Austausch und Allgemein Verzeichnis
  path = /FBK
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map archive = no

  comment = Eher statische Dinge
  path = /archiv
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map archive = no

  comment = Auslagerungsverzeichnise
  path = /space
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map archive = no

  comment = Programmverzeichnis
  # Eigentlich geh?hrt "biff" ja zu [homes], aber da scheint es
  # machmal selbstst?ndige und damit doppelte Verbindungen zu geben.
  # Jetzt hoffe ich, das das wenig benutzte [Program] auch brav 
  # verbunden wird. Vgl. Dazu auch \\fbk\netlogon\startnet.bat
  preexec = /usr/local/samba/bin/biff %u %m %H &
  postexec = /usr/local/samba/bin/biff.stop %u %m &       
  path = /archiv/Programme
  browsable = yes
  writable = yes
  map archive = no

   comment = Das Server CD-ROM
   preexec = mount /cdrom
   postexec = umount /cdrom
   path = /cdrom
   browsable = no
   writable = no
   map archive = no
   map hidden = no
   map system = no
   fake oplocks = yes
   # fstype = CDFS
   # public = yes
   # Siehe daf?r auch "map to guest" in [global]

   comment = Share f?r die NT-Profile 
   path = %H/profile
   browsable = no
   writeable = yes
   map hidden = yes
   map system = yes  

   comment = Share f?r OS-Abh?nigie Profile
   path = %H/profile.%a
   browsable = no
   writeable = yes
   map hidden = yes
   map system = yes

   comment = Net Logon Service
   path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
   writeable = no
   public = no
   locking = no
   share modes = no
   map hidden = yes
   map system = yes    
# Aenderungen fuer die Policies
   browseable = yes
   case sensitive = no
   preserve case  = yes
   default case = yes 

  comment = WWW-Daten
  path = /usr/local/apache/htdocs
  guest ok = no
  read only = no
  create mask = 0774
  directory mask = 0775
  map archive = no
  map hidden = no
  map system = no
  browsable = no
  short preserve case = Yes

# [test]
#  comment = Christian's Testshare
#  path = /u1/barth/temp/spd
#  browsable = no
#  writable = yes
#  locking =  yes
#  oplocks = true
#  level2 oplocks = true
#  blocking locks = true

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