Samba in NT Domain with Windows 2000 clients...

Ivan Ivanov ivan at
Fri Mar 30 10:43:58 GMT 2001

I have RedHat 7 with samba 2.0.7 installed in Windows NT Domain as PDC. The Samba server is a part of domain and is configured with:

             security = server

             password server = PDC

All is connected as nobody! There is a logon script which map some drives from Windows NT Server and some from Samba Server. If the clients are Windows NT Wst everything is fine expect when clicking on a share for the first time. The problem is when clients are Windows 98 or Windows 2000. Sometimes they are connected but more likely not. In the log files for any computer with Windows 2000 there are errors like these:


            write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe


            write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 6: ERRNO = Broken pipe


            Error writing 4 bytes to client -1. Exiting


            call_nt_transact_ioctl: Currently not implemented.



Ivan Ivanov

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