Users and Share Drives migration from NT to Linux

Serge Bianda serge.bianda at
Fri Dec 28 07:44:02 GMT 2001

Hello Everyone:
Hope you all had a nice Christmas!
I am facing a situation that I have never faced before. I have a the latest
version of Samba running on a RH Linux 6.2 and a Windows 2000 Domain
Controller that authenticates users and provide share drives for the
internal network, As the economy here in the US is downgrading, I am forced
to add more Linux server (as a replacement to Windows for all my
servers)which will be at a very low cost for us and also for the good things
Linux offers. So I need to migrate all my users (about 200 of them)and
groups to a Samba Server, including their  permissions and the share drives,
so I was wondering if any guru out there have a suggestion, or a link to a
tool utility that will perform the migration for me, without running through
the hassle of creating individual account which is a pain (only to think
about it!) on that samba server.
I have ran a test pilot for Samba as a Domain controller and it worked fine
so far with about 40 users, but as I said earlier I have never done a
migration from Windows 2000 to Linux. Way back, I have done Windows to
Novell using a Novell tool, but never from Windows to Linux.
One of my friend told me about such tool, but don't know where it is, I
tried, but got no chance. That's why I'm turning to my Linux guru
from this list, may be I'm lucky with all the good answers to questions
being asked since I joined the list.


P.S.: Remember that I want "migrate" users, groups and shares
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