smbd nmbd executables do not run

Christian Barth barth at
Thu Dec 13 23:47:02 GMT 2001

> Hello all,
> I am doing my first samba install and have run into an issue.  Followed
> install details to the letter, however, when I try to start the smbd and
> nmbd daemons I get the following:
> bash: smbd:  command not found
> and
> bash:  nmbd:  command not found
> I see it with ls, other executables in that directory I missing
> something here?  Any help appreciated.
Usually root does not have the current directory (.) in its path. Try 
./smbd or the whole path /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd. Make sure the 
executabel bit is set. (chmod u+x smbd)


> I am using the Mandrake stream of Linux.
> Thanks

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