smbfs does not report all files

Bruce LaZerte mail at
Mon Sep 25 02:48:59 GMT 2000

** Reply to message from Urban Widmark <urban at> on Sun, 24 Sep
2000 20:45:17 +0200 (MET DST)

>> Oh! There's a lot of message pairs like this :
>> kernel: smb_receive_trans2: copied, parms=4079 of 4079, data=220 of 4079
>> kernel: smb_receive_trans2: copied, parms=4079 of 4079, data=4079 of 4079
>> Since they didn't say anything like "ERROR", I was ignoring them. Could that
>> "data=220 of 4079" have anything to do with the missing files?
>They are not error messages, just informational that it used an unusual
>code path. The server didn't respond with a single message, it sent 2
>messages that the smbfs "sock" code had to merge (note that this is all
>tcp so there really is no reason to send a response as 2 messages).
>I have never managed to get this message and it may very well be that
>there are bugs here. Since you only get this on large shares, even likely
>(only when it has to split a message in 2 sends).

The "share" is a whole partition on the OS/2 server. The sub-directories with a
small number files come through fine. It's sub-directories with lot's of files
that are missing some... 

>Do you get any other smb_ messages? You should get something from the
>directory parsing code.

Nothing else in /var/log/messages

>If not I'll try to make a patch for you that adds some debugging for the
>case when the "fast track" doesn't work and some debugging in the
>directory parsing. Any favourite kernel version?

Well, I've now got source trees for 2.2.15-4mdk, 2.2.17 and 2.2.18-pre9, so any
of these would be fine. 

Send away.

Would this debugging code patch smbclient as well as smbfs? Or are they on
totally different source branches?


Bruce LaZerte 
Grandview Lake in Muskoka
Ontario, Canada  				

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