NT (sometimes) refusing to authenticate samba server

Bas Vermeulen B.Vermeulen at wumn.wegener.nl
Thu Oct 19 09:09:52 GMT 2000


I am having some problems integrating my samba server into the NT domain.
Most of the time everything works just fine, but sometimes the NT PDC
refuses to authenticate the samba server. I get the following messages
in my log:

cli_net_auth2: Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challange failed
connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the PDC credentials to
machine 003_C00001. Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.

After this, it tries the same with the defined BDC, and fails again.
One minute later, it works just fine (when the user maps the drive by hand).

The PDC shows the following errors in it's eventlog:

Event ID: 5722
Type: Error
Description: The session setup from the computer 003_H00001 failed to
authenticate. The name of the account referenced in the security database
is 003_H00001$.  The following error occurred: Access is denied.

The messages in the BDC's eventlog is exactly the same.

The network is a bit weird (10/100 internal, with loads of clients connected
to the network using leased lines, from 64Kbps to 256Kbps), but all WAN
connected sites have their own BDC on site.

I am using samba 2.0.7 on a Sun E4k with Solaris 2.6. All NT servers are
running NT 4.0 with SP4.

I've found a couple of references to this problem in the archives already,
but they all talk about samba 2.0.6.

Any and all help will be appreciated,

Bas Vermeulen

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