Unix Printer for Windows clients

Klaus Wirl kwirl at lucent.com
Wed Oct 18 06:04:40 GMT 2000

Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Another good guy suggested as below:
> ###
> i would try a different approach:
> - "DOMAIN B" server makes that printer accessible via lpd to "DOMAIN A"
>   server. If you setup yours hosts.lpd properly nobody can use the
>   printer unauthorized.
> - setup lpd print queue on "DOMAIN A" server to remote printer on
> - "DOMAIN A" server exports this printer queue to the Windows PCs.
> ###
> I've tried it and I end up same place......

Bad to hear.

First i would try to get the printer working on the Unix side.
- Printing does work on "B" ?
- B "exports" the printer to "A" (/etc/hosts.lpd)?
- A has a remote printing queue (in /etc/printcap) pointing to
  the printer on B ?
  printcap typically looks like:
  hpdj|HP Deskjet:\
- You can print (Unix!) from A to the printer attached to B ?
- Print service/queues started?

After that you know whether you have to look into the lpd or
the SAMBA configuration to fix the problem.

I hope everything is correct, because i'm looking at the problem
with a "Linux" view. If you have success/failures in any of the
steps you can also contact me per PM.


| Klaus P. Wirl             | Email: kwirl at lucent.com   |
| Lucent Technologies       | Phone: +49 911 526-3626   |
| Thurn-und-Taxis Str. 10   | Mobile:+49 171 970 6639   |
| 90411 Nürnberg, Germany   | Fax:   +49 911 526-4193   |
    --- My opinion is my opinion is my opinion ---

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