Problem using masquerading and samba

Frank Dzaebel frank_mailinglist at
Mon Oct 9 22:55:24 GMT 2000

Hi there...

I have got a problem using samba and masquerading at the same time. My
private LAN looks as follows:

 Computer A -------------------------- Computer B ------------------INTERNET
 (Win2000)     LAN (100Mbit/s)    Linux kernel 2.2.14,       ISDN  |
                                  samba 2.0.7, masquerading,
                                  64MB RAM, AMD K62-350

Everything works fine, except when using samba (e.g. by copying files from A
to B). Then all connections from A to the internet are VERY slow.
Connections from A to B (using FTP or HTML) are not affected at all.

I don't know why, because B's CPU load is about 40% and the LAN's bandwidth
should be large enough.

Does anybody has an idea?

Thank you!

Frank. (frank at
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