Using a Zip drive with Samaba

Robert Dahlem Robert.Dahlem at
Sun Jul 2 21:17:15 GMT 2000


On Mon, 3 Jul 2000 04:10:18 +1000, Matt G. Ellis wrote:

>Has anyone been able to get a zip drive working with samba?  I want to 
>set up a systsem where the drive gets mounted, in a letter like F: and 
>students can pop in and out zip disks without having to deal with any 
>unix interfaces.

Just do it like you would do it with a CD:

	root preexec = mount /mnt/zip
	root postexec = umount /mnt/zip


Robert.Dahlem at           Fax +49-69-432647
Radio Bornheim - 2:2461/332 at fidonet +49-69-4930830  (ZyX, V34)
                 2:2461/326 at fidonet +49-69-94414444 (ISDN X.75)

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