Windows 2000 and TNG

Michael P. Neuman neubyneu at
Sun Feb 13 00:33:44 GMT 2000

Hello all:

I just recieved Windows 2000 Professional Final Release.  I am currently
running Samba in order to serve my Windows 95 & Windows 98 Machines.  From
my understanding, I needed to get something called TNG.  I read instructions
on CVS and it downloaded TNG onto my computer.  Then I went on and did
"./configure", "./make", and am about to do "./make install".  Once I have
this TNG thing installed, what do I do to get my Win2K machine to join the
samba controlled domain?  I've succesfully got a Windows NT workstation
joining the domain.  Now I just need specific instructions to get the 2000
box on joined up.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in
advance.  Please CC any responses to neubyneu at so I don't have
to keep checking the archives.  Thanks.

Michael P. Neuman - UNIX Admin
neubyneu at

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