Two Questions

Joshua Reilly jreilly at
Wed Aug 23 17:57:24 GMT 2000

One is there any way to run a server side script every time a user logs in
and logs out.  I've tried using the pre and post execs in netlogon, but it
get's run multiple times.  I was wondering if anyone knew of a better
way.  Basically I want to log username & machine name into a database, to
help take computer lab usage.

Two is there any kind of flag for printing a Full Unix name, like my user
name is jreilly, I want it to query and display Joshua Reilly, we are
using the pam_ldap module for auth, don't know if that makes any

Joshua Reilly
Jr. SysAdmin
Azusa Pacific University
What we do in life echoes in eternity. 
	-- Russell Crowe as Maximus in The Gladiator

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