win95 & NT4 concurent access to paradox database

gandalf at gandalf at
Thu Jan 28 20:45:33 GMT 1999


I use samba for one year only, but with full satisfaction. Only with
latest cvs tree I discovered some (maybe particular) problem. In mixed
environment of win95oemII and NT4 workst (sp3 or sp4) we share some
Paradox 7.0 database on linux server (Rh5.2 and 2.2.0-pre1 kernel).
Paradox controls multiuser access to the data with three files:
PDOXUSRS.NET (user names etc?), and two lock files, PDOXUSRS.LCK and
PARADOX.LCK. Since I upgraded samba from 1.9.18p10 to latest cvs, Paradox 
is not able to access those files from NT while I access data from win95.  
If accessed only from NT, there is no problem. Packet dump shows access
error (DOSERR 5). I didn't observed any similar behaviour for Access 97.
I have read on this list some good advice - get to the postgreSQL. Yes, I
am working on it, but in meantime I would like to get this working. Did  
anyone observed similar problems with concurent access from 95 and NT? 
I do not use any special oplock options or whatever.
this is part of my smb.conf:

   comment = RSS Database
   path = /home/samba/database
   public = no
   writable = yes
   browseable = yes
   printable = no  
   force user = gandalf
   write list = gandalf, april, christin, leona, eva, sylvie, phil, robin
Thank you for your help.

Stanislav Polasek

Stanislav Polasek, Research Support Scheme
Bartolomejska 11, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
tel ++420-2-24231871, fax ++420-2-24231997

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