Solutions for BadPassword!

Dr. Claudia Linnhoff-Popien linnhoff at
Mon Feb 1 17:31:24 GMT 1999

Hi people,
I've  spend some time to figured out wath is wrong with Samba 2.0.0 and
why smbclient not working wiht right password:

1) In Samba 2.0.0 you have to enable the UserAccound,
    before you will access it with smbclient!
    Syntax: "smbpasswd -e user"

2) Maybe you have to add "localhost" to (host allow) in [global] in
    Syntax: "host allow = 129.187.200., localhost"

3) Syntax to call smbclient:
    "smbclient //myPC/user -U user"

4) If your system uses Shadow Passwords:
    You have to compile the Samba-suite with "-Wshadow".

I hope it will help...
Alexej Kupin
(Alexej.Kupin at

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