Installation of SAMBA 2.0 on Solaris 2.6

The Hermit Hacker scrappy at
Mon Feb 1 17:22:45 GMT 1999

I always hate to pop up, but I'm having a problem here with 2.0.0-release
and Soalris 2.6.  I just read through Anne's run down, to make sure that I
didn't miss anything obvious, and dont' believe I have...

I have two servers, one running 2.0.0R on Solaris 2.5.1, the other
2.6...using testparm, their configurations are exactly
allows for connections no problem (2.5.1), the other won't allow for a

Both are using 'security = user' and 'encryption = no' ...

I'm re-compiling the 2.6 system rigth now, in case I screwed up something
at compil time last time, but...anyone else having similar problems?  The
old 1.x system onthat 2.6 machien worked beautifully... :(


On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Jose Rivaldo Viana Leite wrote:

> Anne,
> You did understood what I wanted.
> Thank you very much,
> Jose Rivaldo Viana Leite
> Empresa Brasileira de Aeronatica S/A
> Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 2170 - Putim
> 12.227-901 - Sao Jose dos Campos - SP - BRASIL
> tel : 55-12-345-1542 - fax : 55-12-345-3132
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Anne Sauvage
> Para:
> Data: Segunda-feira, 1 de Fevereiro de 1999 06:20
> Assunto: (no subject)
> +AD4-Here are my notes. There is still some french words,, but I think you
> +AD4-will understand. Good luck.
> +AD4-
> +AD4-?, last version samba-2.0.0beta4.tar.gz
> +AD4-dans /tmp/samba
> +AD4-? /usr/people/localsun/bin/gunzip  f and tar xvf
> +AD4-? cd  samba-2.0.0beta4/source
> +AD4-? ./configure (link on gcc : ln  -s  /usr/people/localsun/bin/gcc  gcc
> +AD4-dans /usr/bin)
> +AD4-? /usr/ccs/bin/make
> +AD4-? /usr/ccs/bin/make  install : le logiciel est install+AOk- dans
> +AD4-/usr/local/samba
> +AD4-? cd /usr/local/samba
> +AD4-? mkdir var/locks
> +AD4-? cr+AOk-ation du fichier smb.conf dans le r+AOk-pertoire lib d'apr+AOg-s l'exemple
> +AD4-de la distribution
> +AD4-? test du fichier de configuration : ./bin/testparm
> +AD4-? dans le fichier /etc/inetd.conf, ajouter les lignes suivantes pour
> +AD4-lancer les d+AOk-mons automatiquement :
> +AD4-netbios-ssn     stream  tcp     nowait  root
> +AD4-/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd smbd
> +AD4-netbios-ns      dgram   udp     wait    root
> +AD4-/usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd nmbd
> +AD4-? dans le fichier /etc/services, ajouter les lignes :
> +AD4-netbios-ssn 139/tcp
> +AD4-netbios-ns 137/udp
> +AD4-? arr+AOo-ter et relancer inetd
> +AD4-
> +AD4---
> +AD4-
> +AD4-                 Anne Sauvage
> +AD4-                 GAMSAU - MAP
> +AD4-        Ecole d'Architecture de Marseille
> +AD4- 184 av de Luminy - 13288 Marseille Cedex 09
> +AD4-tel : 04 91 82 71 62/70 - fax : 04 91 82 71 71
> +AD4-
> +AD4-

Marc G. Fournier                                
Systems Administrator @ 
primary: scrappy at           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org 

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