
Ron Kreymborg ron at
Tue Aug 24 19:49:22 GMT 1999

We have used the Syntax TotalaNET product (TAS) for some years. This
provides similar funtionality to Samba. However the current version (5.2) 
does not support Win98 and the upgrade cost is very high. 

In looking at Samba as an alternative, I have two questions: 

1. Does Samba fully support Win98? 

2. Our users move easily between PCs, X-terminals and workstations,
depending on their application. A significant feature of TotalNET is you
can use the normal Unix login facilities from a PC, saving the horrendous
task of having to have two entire login user-name/password systems. Can
Samba use the Unix login system? 


 Ron Kreymborg                   Computer Systems Manager
 Monash University               CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology
 Wellington Road                 ron at
 Clayton, VIC 3168               Phone     : 061-3-9905-9671
 Australia                       Fax       : 061-3-9905-9689

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