Samba file permissions.

Rubén Laguna rlaguna at
Sat May 30 09:39:43 GMT 1998


I,ve just installed a Samba file server and I can´t figure out how can I set file permissions in order to grant access to certain directories only to a group of users and grant access to the subs of that directory only to certain subgroups of users.

Is possible to make a user group containing other user groups? And to set file permissions accordingly. If it is so, how can I make such a group? It tried but it seem not working.

Is possible in Samba to define access levels to the dirs of the service? I read the docs and seems that the access level can only by defined over whole service. ¿Is there a way to do it?

Thanks in advance (sorry for my english)

Best regards,
Rubén Laguna
rlaguna at

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