[homes] share(s)

bytor at logicsouth.com bytor at logicsouth.com
Mon May 25 15:02:54 GMT 1998

I got back from school the other day and set up samba to avoid hearing
questions from my father about "why can't I see your computer from my
network neighborhood" etc etc and he wants to mount my mp3 files.. I also
set up the standard homes share, but besides being able to connect to 
_his_ home directory, he is able to _any_ home directory! This is
definitely not the behavior I am looking for here. From the smb.conf man
page I can see nothing that addresses this problem/feature. What am I
missing here?

(PS - I am not subscribed to the list yet, please CC any responses
directly to me)

       | bytor at logicsouth.com | UNIX _is_ user-friendly. It's just not |
       |     By-Tor at EfNet     | ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.  |

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