Suggestion to samba

Joao Carlos Mendes Luis jonny at
Sun May 10 20:22:54 GMT 1998


  I think it would be useful if samba had a utmp log interface.
I know that it's possible to see who is logged with smbstatus, but
sometimes a simple who(1) or w(1) is more efficient and ubiquitous.
For accounting, ac(8), last(1) and lastlog(1) would be able to account
wtmp entries with samba connections.  Also, other programs that
search for user connections could search [uw]tmp files.

  Oh yes, utmp entries need a terminal.  Maybe a terminal reference of
smb01, smb02, etc. could be used.  In case of doubt, there is a
precedent: ftpd logs its connections in wtmp.

  I would love to see this in a future version of samba.  Keep
the great job guys.


Joao Carlos Mendes Luis			jonny at
+55 21 290-4698 ( Job )			jonny at
M.Sc. Student				Electrical Engineering
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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