How to include system files with smbtar?

Ben Stuyts ben at
Fri Aug 14 12:15:57 GMT 1998


I asked the following a week ago, but haven't received a reaction yet. Is  
there anybody who can help me with this?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ben Stuyts <benst>
Date: Fri,  7 Aug 98 16:14:22 +0200
To: samba at
Subject: How to include system files with smbtar?
Reply-To: ben at


I recently upgraded to 1.9.18p8, and noticed that smbtar no longer  
automatically includes system files. I can't seem to find a way to include  
the 'tarmode system' command in the smbtar shell script. If I add a -c  
"tarmode system" to the $SMBCLIENT command line at the end of the smbtar  
shell script, I get no tarred files at all.

Can anybody help me with this?

BTW, 'tarmode system' seems to be undocumented. (As are nosystem, hidden,  
nohidden, verbose, noquiet, quite, noverbose.) I had to check the clitar.c  
source to find this.


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