netlogon without a domain controller - is it possible?

Todd Pfaff todd at
Thu Sep 25 15:50:34 GMT 1997

Is it possible to use a samba server as a domain logon server if there is
not also an NT domain controller?  I assume that an NT workstation will
only broadcast for a logon server if it belongs to a domain, and it can
only join a domain if there is a PDC.  Is there any way around this?
Is there any alternative method for doing something like netlogon without
having an NT domain controller, only a samba domain master?

Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: pfaff at
Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University                   \
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \

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