how can i create one sample mandatory profile for all users

hesam mohamadian hesam.mohamadian at
Fri Nov 5 23:09:59 MDT 2010

in samba4 Wiki say : in user properties set profile path
*  but in this way each user have one sepecefic profile  , and i do this in
order to set one sample profile to all users :

1-make one sample profile in my windows xp
2- copy to : * //servername/sharedrive *and set everybody can use this
3- chmod 777 /sharedrive -R
4- in user profile path i set : * //servername/sharedrive *
5- when i want to logon i face with ERROR: Cannot find roaming profile
But when in user profile path set : * //servername/sharedrive/%username%
everthing worked correctly

What Should I do ?

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