Kerberos avoids "ask password on demand" behavior

Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca luizluca at
Sat May 10 00:57:42 GMT 2008


If i do not use kerberos, every user connects to the server as guest
and the password is asked to them when guest gets a permittion denied.
if I use kerberos, the machine account successfully auths (kerberos)
but gets no user or an user that does not have the right permittions
(cause only user has it). In both cases, as
the user is not guest, samba does not ask the user for a password anymore.

I don't want to ask user/pass on share connect cause there is some
public files on this share that should not demand auths. Even worse to
ask for it on server conection.

How do I deny all computer login or set something to ask for a
password when a computer account is in use? Any other solution?

 # smbd -V
Version 3.0.28-0.2-1625-SUSE-CODE10


 Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca
 luizluca at
 ICQ: 19290419

 I Know, "Where you wanted to go today",
 but I decided to stop here instead!
 MS Windows

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