ACL for a chmod on a cifs client to Windows server

Shirish Pargaonkar shirishpargaonkar at
Thu Jan 10 15:35:29 GMT 2008

cifs client, when chmod command is issued, follows what
SFU/Interix does.  Is this the behaviour that cifs client
should exhibit (that is how it is implemented currently)?

The alternative behavior would be that all ACEs are preserved,
except those for owner, owning group (if present), and
everyone (those three would be overwritten by the mode bits).



When doing a chmod on Interix, always the following is done:
- all ACLs are removed and replaced by 3 new ACLs,
 one for the windows file owner, one for the group of the
 file owner and one for Everyone (SSID: S-1-1-0)

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