Porting samba to Zeta OS, facing some problems, help me please

Rajeesh R rajeesh.zetaos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 17:16:15 GMT 2007

    I am Rajeesh Radhakrishnan one of the zeta os developer . Currently i am
doing the porting samba to Zeta. Actully i did a small portion of it, like
now we can mount any windows systems in the network using the smbmount and
can see all the system in the network using smbtree.
           But actully now i have a problem like, i could not mount any
system other than windows. The replay from the server  for the session setup
andx packet is the problem afaik. The error code is 87. And the same problem
with mac also.

  Please give the instruction how to move further and what is the problem,
is very much helpful for me.

Thank you in Advance
Rajeesh Radhakrishnan

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