Architcecture for winbindd client character conversion.

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at
Tue Aug 28 17:17:55 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

simo wrote:

> No, it's not WE that break, it's THEM, the clients 
> are broken, or the sysadmin not competent, or the
> distribution has broken defaults. It is the same if
> you use nss_ldap or nis, you have to use the right
> locale.

My only comment here is that nss_ldap (no offense Luke) or
nis are not our standards to aspire to.  Whether or not
they have problems with this makes no difference to the
fact that it is a problem.

For the record, this issue was raised a long time ago:

The bug is marked as fixed but Jeremy's comments are still
valid.  We've also had Japanese customers (Centeris) recently
report similar problems (pasted here) on Solaris.  Quoting
from from our of QA folks:

- ------
   "Japanese usernames are not in correct encoding on Solaris"

   The charset needs to be set in /etc/samba/smbd.conf
   so that it matches the user's locale. For Solaris,
   the default Japanese locale is ja_JP.eucJP, so this
   line needs to be added to /etc/samba/smb.conf

      unix charset = eucJP

  After the locale is changed, the winbindd daemon should
  be restarted, and the cache should be removed.

  Here's the 5% case where it doesn't work. The locale can
  actually be set on a per login or per process basis. However,
  only one charset can be set in /etc/samba/smb.conf, and
  it takes root privileges to change that. Consider the
  following scenario:

      Winbind (UTF-8 charset)
      User A (UTF-8 charset): works
      User B (eucJP charset): fails

   I think the 5% case really is a minor point, because the files
   on the filesystem are charset dependent. So user A creates
   <funky japanese name in UTF-8>, then the filename won't
   show up correctly when user B tries to access it. ls, chmod,
   touch, etc., they're all affected.
- ------

So the question is not who owns the bug, but rather who can
(or should) fix it.  And what we should tell said customers
and Samba users.

cheers, jerry

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