[PROPOSAL] proposed changes to build system

Stefan (metze) Metzmacher metze at samba.org
Wed Apr 20 11:09:58 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Peter Novodvorsky schrieb:
> Hello!
> I've started working on build system some time ago, my goal was to add
> support for build variants that are not supported by current build
> system. One of the major goals was to support build variant where smbd
> binary is broken in serveral shared libraries + binary so other binaries
> can share the same code.
> Those who know how samba build system works in details can skip the
> following paragraphs.
> ,----
> | Today's samba build system defines four kinds of components: SUBSYSTEM, LIBRARY,
> | BINARY and MODULE and relation between them that is called
> | Components are allowed to have following properties:
> |         - REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS - defines the relation REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS
> |           between this component and others.
> |         - *OBJ_FILES - defines what object files are included in this
> |           component
> |         - LIBS - defines what linker flags should be used when LIBRARY
> |           BINARY or MODULE is compiled that is in relation REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS
> |           with this component.
> |         - ... other properties ...
> | 
> | In practice, SUBSYSTEM is compiled in collection of object files that are
> | in *OBJ_FILES. BINARY is compiled into binary file that includes one
> | file with main function all SUBSYSTEMs with which it is in
> | REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS relation and with all SUBSYSTEMs that these
> | SUBSYSTEMs are in REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS relation and so on. LIBRARYs are
> | the same as BINARYs, but they don't include that file that has main
> | function in it. MODULE is pretty the same but it has a distinguishing
> | property
> |         - SUBSYSTEM - property that is suitable only for MODULEs. It
> |           defines which SUBSYSTEM uses this MODULE. In practice this
> |           property is used by build system to make REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS
> |           relation between SUBSYSTEM describied in this property and
> |           MODULE if the module is built statically.
> | 
> | This is almost complete description of current samba build system.
> `----
> Now I'll prove that this build system doesn't fit my needs. Let's
> imagine situation where we want to build smbd broken into libraries.
> Every object file should reside in one and only one of all the
> libraries. Here we see that it's not possible to create such a build
> if we are using semantics of the current build system because
> REQUIRED_SUBSYSTEMS doesn't specify exclusive depends. Not only
> exclusive depends have to be added, for each library we need to
> specify ALL the subsystems that will be included in this
> library. Making automatic guesses on what object files to include is
> very dangerous, because of tracking library APIs. For example, if we
> have two libraries that depend on one subsystem, resolvation of where
> does the subsystem go cannot be done automatically.
> After I've implemented exclusive depends I found that it is hard to
> build samba the old way. For example, if we build smbd statically we
> build all the libraries statically too. However, we might want to
> build smbd in static way while wanting libldb to be built
> dynamically. In this case we actually need to build two variants of
> libldb, static and dynamic, smbd will link against the first one,
> however this variant won't be distributed, latter one will be
> distributed for other applications. 
> We can conclude that description of components in build system are
> devided in two types. First type of descriptions have information about
> component itself: for example, what object files does library include and what
> libraries it is linked against, and what so version it has. Second
> type of descriptions are build variants. Each latter description
> contains information about how component will be built, how it will be
> linked against other components and if the resulting object will be
> distributed. It's important to admit, that we can have several build
> variants for one component.  It isn't needed to specify build variants
> for all components, some of them can be determined automatically: for
> example, if binary A is linked against library B dynamically we can predict
> that B is needed to be built dynamically and it needs to be
> distributed.
> After creating trying to create collections of subsystems that would
> fit into a libraries I found that in current .mk files there are
> circular dependancies between subsystems and some dependancies are not
> specified at all. I've created a small tool find_depends that
> generates dependancy lists using nm.

My idea on this was to create a 'make check_build' or something like this,
that does tested like your find_depends, and print out a detailed list of the dependecies

another idea was to add such checks with configure --with-developer
and print out warnings while we are creating the Makefile and while running 'make'

> Another change I've made is that I've got rid of object lists which
> were common target for subsystems, all object files of each subsystem
> are compiled in single .o file.
yep, that was also my final idea, it's tha same that the linux kernel uses

> Code that is attached to this mail doesn't build samba to the end
> because of the problems with sequence of files that are given to gcc
> for linking (I'm not using -( and -) flags for portability), however
> it is useful for understanding how makefile is generated. 

I don't see anythin attached to this mail:-(

> I'd like to hear your suggestions about proposed changes.

the most things sound good, but I need to wait for your implementation details to comment

- --

Stefan Metzmacher <metze at samba.org> www.samba.org
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