[Fwd: paths wierdness Samba 2.2.8a]

Randall Badilla Castro rbadilla at cesa.co.cr
Thu Jul 10 21:15:35 GMT 2003

Hi all:
Is very "normal" to me, compile the source code of Samba on my Solaris 8 
and 9 machines...
Normaly is a free trouble journey. However I have noticed some paths 
wierdness behavior on the 2.2.8a, and I want to know how I can help to 
correct this, in favor to all the Samba community.
Heres my setup:
SunFire V120
Solaris 9 latest patch
gcc 3.2.3
gmake    3.79.1

/usr/local/ -> /opt/sfw/ (here I install )
/wrk/tmp   (where I compiled)

For example I run
configure  --prefix=/usr/local/samba ,,, all went straigh and fine until 
I start to configure the samba server.
For example smbpasswd binary tries to write/read the smpasswd file on 
/etc/sfw or seeks secrets.tdb on <prefix>/etc/private while is on 

So I add  --sysconfdir=/usr/local/samba/etc  and now SWAT tries to write 
smb.conf at
/usr/local/etc/samba/smb.conf . Also dont create etc directory...

The first thing I made was specify CONFIGDIR's Makefile entry... but I 
want to help and ger rid of this misbehavior!



Randall Badilla Castro
Tel Ofic: (+506) 224-4444 ext 229
Fax Ofic: (+506) 253-5450
Agenda: http://calendar.cesa.co.cr:8081/?calid=rbadilla&security=1
IM at yahoo: rbadillarx


Randall Badilla Castro
Tel Ofic: (+506) 224-4444 ext 229
Fax Ofic: (+506) 253-5450
Agenda: http://calendar.cesa.co.cr:8081/?calid=rbadilla&security=1
IM at yahoo: rbadillarx

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