cannot copy a file (SMBnttrans/SMBntcreateX)

Jörg Leinhoß leinhoss at
Wed Aug 29 07:56:58 GMT 2001


we have the problem, that we cannot copy a file to a samba share while the same file (equal exept filename and timestamp) we can
copy without problem. The share is in use over several month without problems and we use samba over several years and plattforms.
When we try to copy the file (with the windows explorer) a error box "Cannot copy file. File exists." pops up. In the moment of the
copy a 0 byte long file with the same filename is created in the target dir, which cannot overwritten. The file remains as a normale
0 byte file after cancel the copy process.
After the problem occurs (while try to copy the file to the share) then we rename the file, change the permissions or dos
attributes, copying with the windows explorer lokaly - we cannot copy the file into the share anywhere! When we copy the file to
another share and back, then we can copy the file. A nearly equal file (contents, permissions, timestamps, dos attributes) can also
be copied!

I switch the smbd to log level 5 and capture the log while try to copy the file (filename a) without success and copy an equal file
(filename b) with success.
While try to copying file "a" it comes to a SMBnttrans. While copying the file "b" it comes to SMBntcreateX. What means this? Why?

Thanks and Regards,
Joerg Leinhoss

Environment: NT4SP5, Linux 2.2.10, Samba 2.2.1a (default configure swichtes)

############## partital log.smbd while try to copy a file "a" (no success)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(650)
  switch message SMBnttrans (pid 1745)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 4] smbd/uid.c:become_user(119)
  Skipping become_user - already user
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/nttrans.c:call_nt_transact_create(1218)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(146)
  unix_convert called on file "\a"
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(403)
  unix_clean_name [/a]
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(222)
  unix_convert begin: name = a, dirpath = , start = a
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] smbd/dosmode.c:unix_mode(113)
  unix_mode(a) returning 0744
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/files.c:file_new(107)
  allocated file structure 6350, fnum = 10446 (1 used)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(403)
  unix_clean_name [a]
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 4] smbd/open.c:open_file_shared(740)
  calling open_file with flags=0x1 flags2=0xC0 mode=0744
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 2] smbd/open.c:open_file(216)
  leinhoss opened file a read=No write=Yes (numopen=1)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/oplock.c:set_file_oplock(170)
  set_file_oplock: granted oplock on file a, dev = 309, inode = 2045, tv_sec = 3b8a6edf, tv_usec = 7dc96
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 2] smbd/close.c:close_normal_file(205)
  leinhoss closed file a (numopen=0) 
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 5] smbd/files.c:file_free(306)
  freed files structure 10446 (0 used)
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(123)
  error string = Operation not permitted
[2001/08/27 18:01:35, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(141)
  error packet at line 1469 cmd=160 (SMBnttrans) eclass=1 ecode=12

############## partital log.smbd while try to copy an equal file "b" (success)
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(650)
  switch message SMBntcreateX (pid 1745)
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:become_user(119)
  Skipping become_user - already user
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(146)
  unix_convert called on file "\b"
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(403)
  unix_clean_name [/b]
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(222)
  unix_convert begin: name = b, dirpath = , start = b
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 3] smbd/dosmode.c:unix_mode(113)
  unix_mode(b) returning 0744
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] smbd/files.c:file_new(107)
  allocated file structure 6353, fnum = 10449 (2 used)
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(403)
  unix_clean_name [b]
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 4] smbd/open.c:open_file_shared(740)
  calling open_file with flags=0x1 flags2=0xC0 mode=0744
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 2] smbd/open.c:open_file(216)
  leinhoss opened file b read=No write=Yes (numopen=2)
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] smbd/oplock.c:set_file_oplock(170)
  set_file_oplock: granted oplock on file b, dev = 309, inode = 2047, tv_sec = 3b8a6f22, tv_usec = ea6c3
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] smbd/nttrans.c:reply_ntcreate_and_X(1025)
  reply_ntcreate_and_X: fnum = 10449, open name = b
[2001/08/27 18:02:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(292)


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