
Christopher R. Hertel crh at nts.umn.edu
Mon Aug 20 20:19:39 GMT 2001

> Take a look in samba/source/include/nameserv.h
> Look for NB_
> Note, though, that there is an NB_FLGMSK with a value of 0xE0.  That 
> masks only the three high-order bits: the G and the ONT fields.
> Do you see any other fields being used on the wire?

Yeah, I think I see what's happening here.  We (Samba) are using the 
unused bits in the NB_FLAGS field to store some additional information 
about the name record in our database.  That info is never carried on the 
wire.  Please correct me if you see those bits used in a capture.

The values in question are:

#define NB_PERM   0x02
#define NB_ACTIVE 0x04
#define NB_CONFL  0x08
#define NB_DEREG  0x10

which would be masked out by the 0xE0 flag mask.  Those three names 
suggest WINS entry states.  Respectively: Permanent Entry, Active Entry, 
Name in Conflict, and Name De-Registered.

Chris -)-----

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
crh at nts.umn.edu              Networking and Telecommunications Services

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