need the PID of the running smbd - Probs with %d

Richard Sharpe sharpe at
Tue Jul 11 09:33:57 GMT 2000

At 06:53 PM 7/11/00 +1000, Stephan Lauffer wrote:
>Hi all!
>Need the PID of the smbd for the actual share... %d sounds good:
>"%d = The process id of the current server  process." says man smb.conf
>I´ve a problem (am i right or not (super trivial test)):
>(samba 2.0.7)
>--- smb.conf ---
>   path=/tmp
>   root preexec = /tmp/ %d
>   indlude = /tmp/
>--- ---
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>system ("echo \"path=/usr\"  > /tmp/smb.$input[0].inc");
>system ("killall -HUP smbd");	# smbd should reload his config...
>Now i get the following:
>lisa:/ # testparm | grep "test" -A 3 && ps faucx | grep "smbd"

In testparm, it doesn't work, or rather, it gives you the pid of the
process running, which is you, I imagine.

This will work for smbd, though, as you can see by doing:

  path = some-path

and then browse the server, after telling Samba to re-read its config file.

>      path = /tmp
>      include = /tmp/
>      root preexec = /tmp/ %d
>root      1014  0.0  0.7  3180 1936 ?        S    Jul05   0:00 vmware-smbd
>root     22637  0.0  0.4  2476 1140 ?        S    Jul10   0:00 smbd
>root     25776  0.0  0.9  3624 2368 ?        S    09:30   0:00  \_ smbd
>lauffer  26065  0.0  0.5  3640 1352 ?        S    10:39   0:00  \_ smbd
>Ups! Why is %d 26090 ?!
>May I understand %d wrong... I thought it tells me the PID of the smbd
>for the share. Or... hm... will the PID be changed?
>Thanx for help!
>Liebe Gruesse,
>Stephan Lauffer
>[ Paedagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Systemtechnik - Germany    ]
>[ Abteilung ZIK: <a href="">WWW</a> ]

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at
Samba (Team member,, Ethereal (Team member,

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