a hopefully relatively simple question

Rafał Szcześniak rszczesniak at mis.com.pl
Fri Sep 29 17:31:42 GMT 2000

Try to add this user into Administrators group using
User Manager for NT. After doing this, user's name and
domain may be treated as "Account unknown" but in general
it should work.


Seth Vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu>
Wysłane przez: samba-ntdom-admin at us4.samba.org
00-09-29 15:16

        Do:     samba-ntdom at samba.org
        Temat:  a hopefully relatively simple question

I have a user who I would like to make a local admin over 1 particular
machine - how would I go about doing that?

I'm not sure this is directly a samba question - but I looked around user
mangler and it didn't see obvious.


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