
paco cornejo impaco at
Mon Sep 4 07:10:48 GMT 2000

Hi, i'm a Spanish student, im trying to authenticate 
Windows 98/NT with a Solaris7 with Samba 2.1 pre-alpha 
which is supossed to have ldap support.
I'm using OpenLdap 1.2.9 and I have some questions...

1.- Do I have to use a pam ldap module?
2.- Do I have to create news classes for Samba users 
for Ldap?
3.- How I have to configure Slapd.conf with Samba?
4.- And smb.conf?
5.- When I create a samba account using smbpasswd, i 
get an error message. (I've been folowing the 
installation instruction by Ignacio Coupeau, from the 
Navarra University)

I'd like very much you could answer me any of my 
question, and i'll be very pleased.

Thank you very much.

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