Config file & Log

Shaun Lipscombe shaun.lipscombe at
Fri Dec 8 10:53:33 GMT 2000

How do I find out from nmbd which config file it defaults too?  The
reason I ask is I seem to have one box that reads from
/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf and another that reads from
/etc/smb.conf and the only thing I can think of is that (both compiled
from source) I modified the makefile on one of them.  Is there a way
to get the built in config file location?  Also..... I have logs in
/usr/local/samba/var/log.nmb *and* /var/log/samba/log.nmb (as well as
individual machine logs).  Both logs seem to be in use although
written to at different times.  This makes it hard for me to know
which log to look in, to diagnose problems.  Have I messed up the



(o_  (o_  //\
(/)_ (/)_ V_/_   shaun.lipscombe at

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