?Use a script instead of a password file

Jippes, A.G. (UB) A.G.Jippes at ub.utwente.nl
Mon May 25 15:30:34 GMT 1998

We want to make NT workstations accessible to our library users using
their personal login. A script checks the login with our central user
database. Can this be done with Samba now, or in the near future? (so,
can I get Samba to use the script instead of the password file?). Any



Arnoud G. Jippes
University of Twente Library/IT
Postbus 217, 7500 AE, Enschede
tel:(+31-534)894116, fax:351805
email: a.g.jippes at ub.utwente.nl

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