TO DO List

Dana Canfield canfield at
Wed Apr 8 04:39:02 GMT 1998

Since the others on the list have been too busy to complete the infamous
TO DO list, I took the liberty of starting it myself.  Hope nobody
minds.  You can find it at  (this
is a sub-section of the yet-to-be-completed site I mentioned before).

It's nothing fancy, and I'm going to need a lot of suggestions from the
techies of the group to make it very useful, but it's a start.   I have
more time than tech skill, so I'll gladly keep it up to date if people
can send me suggestions/additions.  When we get MySQL/PHP3 running
solidly on this machine, I will convert the page into a dynamic page
(something I *can* do, yippee!) that won't require further intervention.

BTW, the "definitions" at the beginning were just pulled out of the
air.  If anyone takes issue with them, or where an item is placed in the
lists, please tell me.  In general, though, Luke will be the authority
on whether items are bugs, to-do's, or wishes.


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