OSX 10.6.4 error with -R option

Robert DuToit rdutoit at comcast.net
Sun Aug 29 04:32:11 MDT 2010

Hi All,

I have had reports of problems with the -R option on OSX 10.6.4.

Just tested it myself and found this odd result:

When I run this

"dtruss -f  path/to/rsync -aHAXNR --fileflags --force-change --protect-decmpfs --stats -v  /Users/astrid/Documents/main.m  /Users/astrid/Desktop/rrr 

it produces the expected results with the relative folder paths in place


but copying file from Desktop itself

"dtruss -f  path/to/rsync -aHAXNR --fileflags --force-change --protect-decmpfs --stats -v  /Users/astrid/Desktop/main.m  /Users/astrid/Desktop/rrr



Oddly, it works fine from a clone of this system (cloned a few weeks ago) and on OSX 10.5.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Thanks, Rob

Here are the first few lines from running dtruss on rsync 

rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): Unknown error: 0 (0)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1044) [sender=3.0.7]

	PID/THRD  SYSCALL(args) 		 = return
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x1E, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x1F, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x14, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  geteuid(0x14, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  umask(0x0, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 18 0
  609/0x11a0:  open("/etc/popt\0", 0x0, 0x8FE44840)		 = -1 Err#2
  609/0x11a0:  open("/Users/astrid/.popt\0", 0x0, 0x0)		 = -1 Err#2     note: (It cuts off at "/astrid/ and no files are copied after that point)
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x2, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x1, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0xF, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigprocmask(0x2, 0xBFFFF5FC, 0x0)		 = 0x0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0xD, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0
  609/0x11a0:  sigaction(0x19, 0xBFFFF5A0, 0x0)		 = 0 0

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