Error messages 3.0.6pre1

Warren Oates warren.oates at
Tue Jul 21 13:32:36 MDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 4:20 AM, Mark Cohen<markcohen at> wrote:
> I too have the same issue (reported by Warren) - in that 3.06 backups appear
> valid, but the terminal shows the following errors:
> rsync(18819) malloc: *** error for object 0xf305c: Non-aligned pointer being
> freed
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> I'm looking for confirmation that these are simply anomalies, and indeed are
> not cause for concern.
> Thanks.
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I have a draft email almost ready for the list about this. I have a
feeling it has to do with the latest version of the Xcode tools in
10.5.7 (DevToolsCore-1148.0) which provides gcc version 4.0.1 build
5490. My wife's MacBook is  DevToolsCore-921.0 with build 5465 of the
same gcc, and I don't think the error occurs when I use rsync "the
other way.". I'm not sure of this, because I've been a bit busy to do
more testing, which is why my email is still in "draft". At any rate,
the error only _seems_ to have started when I updated Xcode.

If you Google for that error, some interesting discussions pop up.

W. Oates

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